Article 6224

Title of the article

Methods for calculating the numerical characteristics of resistance strain gauges for information-measuring and control systems 


Il'ya M. Rybakov, Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor of the sub-department of design and production of radio equipment, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Nikolay K. Yurkov, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, head of the sub-department of design and production of radio equipment, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Sergey A. Brostilov, Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the sub-department of design and production of radio equipment, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Galymzhan A. Anuar, Senior lecturer of the sub-department of space engineering and technology, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (2 Satpayeva street, Astana, Kazakhstan), E-mail: 


Background. Measuring the degree of deformation of solids is a necessary measure in many fields of science. Such measurements can be performed using sensor equipment containing resistance strain gauges. This type of sensor uses a special type of resistor called a resistance strain gauge. Various methods for incorporating these electronic components into a strain gauge circuit are given. Materials and methods. Using linear equations, numerical characteristics were calculated for different switching options, for example, the sensitivity of the sensor. Results and conclusions. The schemes for including different numbers of active and compensating strain gauges in a measuring bridge are considered. For different types of deformation it is necessary to use suitable switching methods, this must be taken into account when designing information-measuring and control systems. 

Key words

resistance strain gauge, strain gauge, deformation, deformation measurement, Whitson bridge, measuring bridge, bending, compression, stretching, impact compensation, temperature impact 

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For citation:

Rybakov I.M., Yurkov N.K., Brostilov S.A., Anuar G.A. Methods for calculating the numerical characteristics of resistance strain gauges for information-measuring and control systems. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Povolzhskiy region. Tekhnicheskie nauki = University proceedings. Volga region. Engineering sciences. 2024;(1):83–97. (In Russ.). doi: 10.21685/2072-3059-2024-2-6


Дата создания: 04.10.2024 11:13
Дата обновления: 17.10.2024 14:34
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